

Matthew Weinberger 1

Recent articles by Matthew Weinberger 1

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EarthLink, independenceIT Partner for Cloud Hosted Desktops

EarthLink, independenceIT Partner for Cloud Hosted Desktops

EarthLink, best known as an Internet service provider (ISP) for the masses, has spent 2012 thus far making some serious plays for the services market, launching managed security and virtualization offerings. And now, EarthLink has announced a partnership with independenceIT, enabling customers to take advantage of cloud-hosted virtual desktops. The partnership, which enables EarthLink Business […]

Intermedia Offers Microsoft Office 365 Services for Partners

Cloud service provider and deeply entrenched Microsoft partner Intermedia has followed through with the launch of its syndicated Microsoft Office 365 cloud productivity suite offering. Our last update on Intermedia’s plans to offer Office 365 came way back in August 2011, when TalkinCloud’s Joe Panettieri spoke with then-Chief Marketing Officer Manlio Carrelli (he doesn’t appear to […]

Ingram Micro Cloud Adds Siemens OpenScape, Zscaler Offerings

Ingram Micro Cloud, the cloud service aggregation platform for Ingram Micro’s channel partners, has grown with the addition of the Siemens Enterprise Communications OpenScape Cloud Service and Zscaler cloud security to its catalogue. Zscaler’s addition to Ingram Micro cloud was actually announced at last week’s RSA security conference, but it became generally available to partners yesterday. […]

Hello, I Must Be Going: Final Notes from a Departing Blogger

Hello, I Must Be Going: Final Notes from a Departing Blogger

This is it: After more than 1,500 stories published over the course of the last year and change, this is my final blog entry on TalkinCloud. And if you’ll indulge me, your humble correspondent would like to say a few words before I hand over the keys to the kingdom. Some of you followed me […]

Vocus-iContact Deal Drags Down Cloud Computing Stocks

Vocus-iContact Deal Drags Down Cloud Computing Stocks

It’s not often that a single one of the cloud and SaaS providers we track can affect the overall average performance of the Talkin’ Cloud Stocks Index. But the Vocus acquisition of iContact was so poorly received by investors that the entire Talkin’ Cloud Stocks Index dipped 1.51 percent for the week ending March 2nd, […]

Microsoft Building a Government-Specific Office 365 Cloud

In one of its recent blog posts, Microsoft committed to building a “community cloud” to meet the needs of government customers that want the scalability and cost benefits of the Microsoft Office 365 SaaS productivity suite but have to meet strict security compliance guidelines. “Today we offer our customers the choice between Office 365 public […]

U.S. State Department Making Migration to Google Chrome

At a recent Town Hall hearing, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded to a question about the state of Microsoft Internet Explorer upgrades with the announcement that State Department employees worldwide would get access to the Google Chrome browser — an announcement that was met with resounding applause. And in a follow-up guest Google […]

New Microsoft SMB Partner Competency Focuses on Cloud

The Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) plans to launch a Small Business Competency, designed to highlight those channel pros who excel at matching the smallest of organizations to the right Microsoft technologies — with a special emphasis on Microsoft Office 365 and other cloud solutions. When the competency launches in June 2012, according to Microsoft’s press […]

Intel Launches Cloud Single Sign-On for

Intel has launched a closed beta of Intel Cloud SSO, its single sign-on offering built on the PaaS cloud and providing access and identity management to the entire suite of cloud applications. The official press release on Intel Cloud SSO is uncharacteristically terse, but highlights how the SSO is achieved via a “personalized […]

Hoo-Rah: IBM Sending Partners to Social Media Boot Camp

IBM is really placing its bets on the social enterprise concept at this week’s IBM PartnerWorld 2012 conference with the launch of a Social Media Boot Camp initiative designed to get partners and customers alike up to speed with an increasingly interconnected Internet. More information is on LinkedIn, of all places. Intriguingly, IBM Social Media […]

Survey: United States Still Fastest-Growing Cloud Market

Survey: United States Still Fastest-Growing Cloud Market

Something we track on TalkinCloud as closely as possible is the international growth of the cloud computing market. But despite huge market momentum in Europe, Australia and basically everywhere else, a new survey by channel-focused service provider Rise (a division of FastHosts Internet Group) indicates that the good ol’ U.S. of A. is still the No. […]

Backupify Launches CRM Cloud Backup Offering

Backupify Launches CRM Cloud Backup Offering

As you may guess from the name, Backupify specializes in, well, the backing up of cloud data, and is best known as a prominent Google ISV partner. But in advance of a full backup solution, Backupify has unveiled Snapshot for Salesforce CRM (currently in beta), a data liberation product that lets an enterprise download a […]

ActiveState Stackato PaaS Hits Version 1.0, Enters GA

ActiveState Stackato PaaS Hits Version 1.0, Enters GA

ActiveState has announced that Stackato, its language-agnostic, provider-agnostic private PaaS platform, has left beta and entered general availability with the release of version 1.0. The technology brings a new, web-based management console, an app store for easy install of common applications, a persistent file system service (for integration with, say, Drupal) and integrated application performance […] We’re Already Too Big for Planned New Digs We’re Already Too Big for Planned New Digs

Cloud CRM provider had big plans for a new, 2 million square-foot campus in San Francisco’s Mission Bay neighborhood, but those plans have been placed on hold indefinitely. Salesforce had a pretty solid 2011, so it’s not because of a lack of funds. Rather, Salesforce said it’s growing much faster than anticipated and would […]

Leap Year Bug Causes Massive Microsoft Windows Azure Outage

The Microsoft Windows Azure compute cloud experienced a service disruption from 8:45 p.m. Eastern Feb. 28 to 5:57 a.m. Eastern Feb. 29, 2012, leaving many customers without access to their applications. This time Microsoft had Julius Caesar to blame: The outage apparently was due to a software bug that resulted in an “incorrect time calculation” […]

Intermedia Combines Private-Label, Advisor Partner Programs

Intermedia Combines Private-Label, Advisor Partner Programs

Hosted and cloud service provider Intermedia is streamlining its channel program, combining its Advisor and Private-Label programs into one unified structure. The benefit for Intermedia partners? Once this change goes live March 1, 2012, they can choose between the two on a customer-by-customer basis. A quick refresher for those unfamiliar with Intermedia’s partner program: The […]

Wipro Infotech Partners with Eucalyptus for Private Clouds

Wipro Infotech Partners with Eucalyptus for Private Clouds

Wipro Infotech, the India/Middle East/Africa arm of IT services conglomerate Wipro Limited, has announced a partnership with private cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform vendor Eucalyptus Systems to deliver planning, deployment and management services to customers in the region, as well as a hosted cloud test lab. “As one of the world’s leading IT consulting organizations, Wipro provides […]

Vocus Acquires iContact for E-Mail Marketing Expertise

Vocus Acquires iContact for E-Mail Marketing Expertise

Marketing and PR SaaS provider Vocus, a member of our Talkin’ Cloud Stocks Index, has announced the acquisition of e-mail marketing solution vendor iContact for $169 million in cash and shares. The synergy between the two companies is unmistakable: Vocus provides a suite of marketing tools and iContact provides a marketing tool. Vocus already offers search […]

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