
Theresa Caragol

Company: Achieve Unite

Job Title: Founder and Principal Analyst

Theresa Caragol

Theresa Caragol is founder and principal consultant of Achieve Unite, LLC, a strategic advisory firm that provides performance partnering and business acceleration services to global enterprises including partner and channel development, go-to-market planning, M&A channel integration, and executive learning forums. She has more than 20 years’ experience in building and managing multi-million dollar indirect channel teams and strategic alliance programs from inception to sales success. She is also a founding member of the Informa Channel Futures Think Tank. She is also one of 15 women selected for the First Leadership Foundry in Washington, D.C., which is an organization dedicated to mentoring and recruiting women for positions on corporate boards.

Recent articles by Theresa Caragol

The Power and Profitability of Women in Tech

Research shows that a gender-diverse workforce leads to a more inclusive organizational culture which has incredible power to build increased profits for organizations.

Strategic Channel Alliance: An Emerging Partnership Type in the Channel

As channel partnerships continue to deepen and evolve, we see the continuum of partnership types expand. Years ago we could clearly delineate a channel partner from a strategic alliance. Today, those lines are blurring. Datapipe and Equinix represent a classic example of this.

Attributes of a Successful Channel Account Manager

I have had the privilege of working in the channel for the last 20 years. Over that time, I have sold to the end customer with partners and directly and had the privilege of leading end user sales teams. I have been channel chief at three different companies and participated in integrating 10 mergers/acquisitions and leading three complete channel mergers.