

The VAR Guy 1

Recent articles by The VAR Guy 1

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IBM39s US hardware team will furlough employees at reduced pay for one week Will furloughed employees come back or look for work

IBM Hardware Furloughs: Blame Cloud Computing

IBM’s U.S. hardware business is set to furlough employees. Blame cloud computing — and IBM’s inability to sell off its x86 server business to Lenovo or another buyer.

Will Microsoft Suffer Atari’s Fate?

Today’s Microsoft Windows business looks and sounds a lot like the Atari 2600 video game business of 1983. Does that mean Microsoft will suffer Atari’s painful, tragic fate?

The VAR Guy captures the latest buzz at CompTIA ChannelCon 2013

ChannelCon: Heard in the Halls

At CompTIA ChannelCon 2013, The VAR Guy tracks Geek Squad’s founder and executives from Intronis, Carbonite, Synnex, Tech Data and Xerox. Here’s the update.

ChannelCon: Top 100 Cloud Services Providers Unveiled

The Talkin’ Cloud 100 (listing the Top 100 Cloud Services Providers) will be unveiled at CompTIA ChannelCon (formerly Breakaway). The VAR Guy will be meeting list members like Carbonite, Datto, Ingram Micro Cloud, Intermedia, Intronis and LogMeIn at the conference. Did your company make the list? Find out July 30.

Canonical39s Ubuntu Edge project needs a partner like AirWatch to guarantee mobile device management capabilities The VAR Guy believes

Ubuntu Edge: Who Will Manage PC/Smartphone Combo?

Canonical is building Ubuntu Edge, a combination PC/smartphone. Success will require mobile device management (MDM) and mobile applications management (MAM) support. Can AirWatch save the day?

Are Google Apps Resellers and Chromebooks the next killer combo in the IT channel

Top Google Apps Resellers Promote Chromebooks

Top Google Apps Authorized Resellers — including Cloud Sherpas, Dito, Onix, Intelligence Partner and Promevo — now promote Google Chromebooks. Are the cloud-based notebooks catching on?

Juniper CEO Kevin Johnson will retire when the company finds and names his successor

Juniper Seeks New CEO Amid Strong Q2 Profits

Just as the software defined networking (SDN) war with Cisco Systems (CSCO) draws closer, Juniper Networks (JNPR) CEO Kevin Johnson says he will retire when a successor is found.

IBM CEO Ginny Rometty has cut headcount amid falling revenue Will she sell the x86 server business next

IBM x86 Server Business: Still Up for Sale

IBM’s x86 server business is still up for sale, and Lenovo appears to be back at the negotiating table as a potential buyer. But will other potential suitors emerge?

CEO Pat Gelsinger says VMware will help partners and customers transition to the mobilecloud era

VMware: Strong Earnings Ahead of VMworld, SDN Push

VMware (VMW) Q2 2013 earnings were very strong, giving the virtualization and cloud software provider major momentum ahead of VMworld — where a major software defined networking (SDN) push is expected.

Together they led the 1990s PC software revolution Will Gates and Ballmer partner again

Microsoft Scoreboard: Bill Gates 18, Steve Ballmer 0

As Microsoft (MSFT) delivers disappointing Q4 2013 financial results, chairman Bill Gates — rather than CEO Steve Ballmer — dominates the struggling software company’s news page. Is that a signal that Gates could resume a bigger role at Microsoft?

Can Utilite at 99 find a business PC niche with Ubuntu and Google Android supporters

$99 ARM PC, With Ubuntu or Android, For Business?

The Utilite ARM-based PC with Ubuntu or Android sounds promising but can the $99 PC really carve a niche for itself in business settings like digital signage, Web-based terminals and more?

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