

The VAR Guy 1

Recent articles by The VAR Guy 1

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Autotask Goes Globetrotting

Autotask Goes Globetrotting

Autotask is seeking to export its managed services expertise to English-speaking VARs abroad. The company has introduced a new version of its VAR business management software to support the metric system, some localize vernacular, numerous global currencies, as well as international date and time formats. Extending beyond the US market may sound challenging. But Autotask […]

Ingram Gets Right to the Point

Ingram Gets Right to the Point

Don’t force customers to think. Give them simple names that immediately identify the services you offer. That sounds like logical advice from The VAR Guy. But too often, vendors ignore it. How else can one explain missteps like Chevy Nova–a car that didn’t sell well in some Spanish-speaking countries because “No Va” means “Doesn’t Go.” […]

More B.I. Opportunities for VARs

More B.I. Opportunities for VARs

VARs that serve midsize businesses could benefit greatly as more business intelligence vendors push downstream. Business Objects is the latest BI vendor to announce a small and midsize customer push that depends heavily on solutions providers. The company’s SMB initiative targets customers with less than $1 billion in annual revenues or fewer than 2,500 employees. […]

Open Source Vendors Prep Major Announcement

Open Source Vendors Prep Major Announcement

Lookout Oracle. Move over Microsoft. At least eight small companies are forming an alliance that could stir demand for open source applications in the enterprise, The VAR Guy has learned. The group, apparently led by SpikeSource, will help guide and promote the integration of open source applications, databases and IT support. Known as The Open […]

Surprise: The Two Best Cities for Linux Sales Are…

Surprise: The Two Best Cities for Linux Sales Are…

Where is Linux selling best: New York? San Francisco? London? Try Raleigh-Durham and Boston. That’s the view from Levanta, maker of a popular hardware appliance that manages Linux across commodity hardware, racks, blades, boxes, and even virtual machines. “We’re not saying that we’re not interested in New York,” quips David Dennis, director of products and […]

OnForce Preps MarketView Tool for VARs

OnForce Preps MarketView Tool for VARs

Imagine if you could analyze IT services trends across the United States–in real time. That vision could soon become a reality, thanks to OnForce, an online marketplace that matches VARs with IT projects across the country. Using data culled from the OnForce marketplace, VARs might be able to examine IT pricing and service trends down […]

Cisco, Apple Nearing Partnership?

Cisco, Apple Nearing Partnership?

Is opportunity ringing for Cisco and Apple VARs? Perhaps so. Ever since Apple announced the iPhone in January, The VAR Guy has been calling on Apple and Cisco to ink a partnership — rather than feud over the iPhone name (which Cisco owns). Late Wednesday, Apple and Cisco provided the first hint that a partnership […]

Websense: Short- or Long-Term Problems?

Websense: Short- or Long-Term Problems?

Sometimes, you’ve got to take short-term hits on the road to long-term success. The VAR Guy wonders if that’s the situation at Websense, which has announced a big earnings shortfall. Websense is putting an interesting spin on the situation, and The VAR Guy is inclined to believe the company line. In recent months, Websense has […]

Apple & Cisco: 6 Reasons to Settle

Apple & Cisco: 6 Reasons to Settle

The VAR Guy is about to step onto his soapbox. Regardless of whether you side with Cisco or Apple in the iPhone name debate, it’s clear to The VAR Guy that a Cisco/Apple settlement and partnership would be a huge win for VARs. Skeptical? Here are six reasons to lobby for such a deal: 1. […]



### Issue #4 – Winter 2006 ![]( The current edition has articles on specializing your services by finding emerging opportunities, the wireless enterprise, managed security and big ideas for small retail shops. Plus commentary from editor Joseph C. Panettieri and CompTIA’s John Venator. [Download here (12.7mb)]( —- ### Issue #3 – Fall 2006 ![]( This […]

Print Circulation

Print Circulation

## TechIQ 2006 Sponsorship Packages TechIQ has an initial controlled circulation of 30,000. The circulation includes 27,500 individual CompTIA members and bonus circulation of 2,500 resellers per issue. This bonus circulation is an attractive add-on audience for sponsors looking to build relationships with these key decision-makers. TechIQ ‘s tightly focused, highly influential audience represents a […]



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In order to maintain his minimalist (but sometimes flashy) lifestyle, The VAR Guy accepts sponsorships for this web site. But here’s the catch: Only a limited number of sponsorships are available. For a flat fee, those sponsors get extensive, full-year ads on this web site. Your brand will reach thousands of VARs, integrators, solutions providers […]

About Us

About Us is part of Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media. The Nine Lives brands include The VAR Guy, MSPmentor, Talkin’ Cloud, MSPtweet and VARtweet. Each of our brands serves the IT channel, allowing VARs and MSPs to engage in conversations about next-generation opportunities and business models.

CA Employees Air Their Complaints

CA Employees Air Their Complaints

The VAR Guy opened this morning’s newspaper and read about the latest controversy at CA Inc. Apparently, employees are upset about CA purchasing a helicopter (list price: $12 million) even as employees are forced to pay more for health care and child care services. The VAR Guy has been quick to criticize CA’s management in […]

TelePresence Is For Real

TelePresence Is For Real

The VAR Guy made the trip from Long Island into Manhattan to see Cisco’s TelePresence technology in action today. The trip was worth the train ride. It’s not fair to refer to TelePresence as video conferencing. TelePresence goes far beyond that. Cisco’s design creates a virtual boardroom setting. Imagine six executives seated in a New […]

Barracuda Insiders Remain Bullish

Barracuda Insiders Remain Bullish

In addition to meeting MySQL, I toured five other up-and-coming companies today. My most animated chat occured at Barracuda Networks’ offices, where I met Ezra Hookano, VP of sales, North America, and Stephen Pao, VP of product management. I know plenty of people who love their jobs–but Pao takes the cake. The guy talks about […]

Same Old Problems at the “New” CA

Same Old Problems at the “New” CA

You can change a company’s name. Change its CEO. And change its logo. But changing a company’s sales culture? That’s the hard part. CA once again has disappointed investors with poor quarterly results. The company plans to cut about 1,700 employees or about 11 percent of its work force. CA has its share of loyal […]

Biometric Security Goes Mainstream

Biometric Security Goes Mainstream

While watching TV last night I was surprised to see Best Buy advertising laptops with biometric security. Lenovo was among the first notebook makers to promote biometric security, selling its 1 millionth ThinkPad with an integrated fingerprint reader in January. CXOs and auditors who carry confidential information on laptops were the first users to jump […]

Have You Seen This Computer?

Have You Seen This Computer?

Calling all PC bounty hunters. Unisys is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of a missing desktop PC. The system, which looks like this, contained information about 38,000 veterans. If you’re ready to turn in your friends for $50K, call 1-800/CALL-FBI.

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