
Webroot Guest Blog 2

Job Title: Guest blogs such as this one are published monthly and are part of MSPmentor's annual platinum sponsorship.

Webroot Guest Blog 2

Recent articles by Webroot Guest Blog 2

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Should Threat Intelligence Solutions Be Part of Your Overall Security Strategy?

In today’s toxic risk climate, effectively protecting your customers’ networks and data requires much more than just standard antivirus solutions. Webroot VP Charlie Tomeo explains the value of threat intelligence solutions when implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for your clients, and how those solutions can also benefit an MSP’s business.

Attention MSPs: SMBs Need Your Help

We all know you must first recognize that a problem exists before you can solve it. This principle is particularly relevant when it comes to meeting the challenges of cybersecurity. We’re happy to note that the results of Webroot’s 2015 SMB Threat Report reflect growing concern by small and midsize businesses about potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their security strategies.

Look Before You Click! Your Clients May Not

With all the news around scam links via emails and social media posts, you’d think clicking bad links would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, the cybercriminals are only getting sneakier, and have upped their scamming game when it comes to impersonating legitimate links and sites.

Let End Users Bring Their Own Device, Not Their Own Malware

The face of modern corporations is changing. A recent survey of employers indicated that up to 95% of employees use mobile devices for work, but managing and securing them continues to present unique challenges for IT administrators.

1 in 3 MSP Clients Could Become Victims of Phishing

Did you know that over 30% of internet users access phishing sites? The internet is littered with millions of new phishing sites that appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. Phishing and spear phishing attacks are launched at businesses of all sizes, and static anti-phishing blacklists, even if updated hourly, are often ineffective against today’s sophisticated attacks.

Know Thy Enemy

When it comes to managing your clients’ threat exposure, the venerable maxim “knowledge is power” is particularly relevant. We’re certainly strong proponents of that credo; in fact, you could say it serves as the philosophical foundation for our approach to online threat intelligence.

MSP Opportunity: Managed Security Services

The days of waiting for an attack to happen, mitigating its impact and then cleaning up the mess afterward are gone. Nor is it practical to just lock the virtual door with a firewall and hope nothing gets in–the stakes are too high. The goal instead must be to predict potential exposure, and that requires comprehensive efforts to gather threat intelligence.

Are You Sticky?

The term “stickiness” goes by a lot of other names–for example, “customer retention,” “loyalty” and “long-term patronage” are all bandied about. But “stickiness” has a ring to it that might resonate with MSPs. Being “sticky” connotes having a bond with your customers, a connection that requires an overt effort on their part to break. Sometimes that bond can be broken in a single powerful tug, but very often it is just gradually chipped away at until it is … gone.

So, Your Prospects Aren’t Sold on Antivirus Services?

Prospects typically have a poor opinion of endpoint security as a whole, as well as a number of issues with their existing solution. However, if you approach the initial discussion as a technical argument, prospects’ overall dissatisfaction with endpoint antivirus will likely increase, making them more resistant to the sale.

It’s Getting More Dangerous Out There

Today’s threat landscape isn’t getting quieter. In fact, cyber criminals are getting smarter. The “same old same old” just won’t cut it when you’ve got to select an endpoint security solution for use in today’s increasingly toxic threat landscape.

Endpoint Security: When Two Isn’t Better Than One

MSPs can deploy a single solution to handle their customers’ endpoint security needs. This approach avoids the cost and complexity of maintaining separate solutions for antivirus and antimalware.

MSPs Can Help SMB Customers Pursue BYOD — Safely

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) adoption is on the rise among smaller businesses, a key market for managed-services providers (MSPs). MSPs have an opportunity to help their customers develop security policies, install mobile device-protection solutions and educate users on security.

Mobile Security: Opportunities For MSPs

Mobile device security represents an emerging opportunity for MSPs. Organizations of all sizes are looking to improve security, while addressing user concerns regarding privacy and data protection.

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