

Job Title: Guest blogs such as this one are published monthly and are part of MSPmentor's annual platinum sponsorship.

Datto Guest Blog 2

Recent articles by Datto Guest Blog 2

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A SaaS Ecosystem Overview for MSPs

Here is some advice on what to consider when putting together solutions that include Microsoft Office 365 or Google Apps.

MSP Checklist: Building Your Business for the Long Haul

The most successful MSPs I see are those that are in it for the long haul. A business, regardless of whether it’s a small office or an enterprise, must be able to trust and rely on its MSP 110%.

Why MSPs Need to Treat Customers to Lunch

How do you educate, entertain and capture an audience of prospects, especially as many budgets continue to tighten? Here are some recommendations for attracting and holding the interests of decision makers.

How Junior Achievement of NY Dumped Tape for Business Continuity

Junior Achievement of New York teaches students about money management and how business works, but the organization itself learned important lessons in both when it experienced catastrophic system failure–despite all the the right preparations. Fortunately, a robust backup, disaster recovery solution saved the day.

Commoditization: Friend or Foe?

The issue of commoditization can result in some heated debate in the IT space. The bottom line is that MSPs that embrace commoditization will be well-positioned to evolve.

Datto Hall of Fame Inductees minus Connect Computer In photo LR Christine Gassman Datto Jeremy Koellish TekTegrity James O39Barr WOONetworks Eric Peterson Camera Corner Inc Don Bentz Preferred IT Group Rob Rae Datto

The Channel Wins!

Datto took the opportunity to recognize just a few of our outstanding Partners. Here’s a look.

Tech Conferences: Why My 1,001st Event Will Be My Best

Datto VP of Business Development Rob Rae has been to a lot of technology conferences over the course of his 25-year career. And he’s taken his lessons learned about what makes them great and put all that into Datto’s upcoming event in Las Vegas.

The Power of Peers

HTG Peer Group members enjoy revenue growth of over 30 percent and EBITDA of 43 percent. Why? HTG Peer Group founder Arlin Sorensen describes some of the benefits members experience in this guest blog. These are what lead to members’ success in both business and life.

The Real Value Of A Sales Rep

How can you measure the value of a sales rep? The most common metric is revenue. But relying on revenue to evaluate the success of a sales rep has a fatal flaw: you can’t count the dollars until after the work is done (or not done).

It’s Not If You Prepare, But How You Prepare

As a Managed Service Provider you’ve probably seen your fair share of malware, server crashes, power outages and IT disasters. The most thorough solution to mitigate downtime in the event of such a disaster is a hybrid cloud-based Business Continuity solution.

Datto Defines the Future of Business Continuity

If your customers’ systems are down when new business arrives, their competitors will end up getting the business. Your customers’ success or failure can hinge on their business continuity solution.

Do Your Customers Like You?

No doubt the MSP market is maturing. The good news is that means more customers are willing to buy MSP services. The challenging news is going forward customers will buy what you sell for different reasons than they did before.

The Real ROI for Investing in Training

Investing in training may seem like a waste of money and time, but here’s a look at how training can pay off in increased sales and ticket closures


Brand Your Own or Promote Your Vendor?

We have moved on from the question, is BDR necessary for every business and every market?  The answer is yes – and we’ve now evolved to the concept of business continuity.  Positioning business continuity as a service, rather than BDR as a product has allowed managed service providers (MSP) to capitalize on monthly recurring revenue, high profit margins, and a growing client base. 

Get with the Times: From Tape to Business Continuity

Zachary Ramsey, a Technical Sales Engineer with Solutions, Inc. has personally witnessed some interesting scenarios that prompted Solutions’ move to toss out the tape solution from Symantec and implement Datto SIRIS. Here are his stories.

Beware the Crypt Keeper

The CryptoLocker Ransomware virus has been making the rounds. It is a variant of malware that restricts access to infected computers and demands the victim provide a payment to the attackers in order to decrypt and recover their files. Here’s how Datto partners were able to recover customer data after being hit with this malware.

NSA vs. Encryption

MSPs, especially those who are international, want to keep their customers’ data out of the hands of the U.S. government. I’m writing this to personally guarantee to you that anything you consider a threat, we at Datto do, too, and we have designed our products accordingly. We will stand firm in our commitment to protect you and your customers.

The Beauty of a Great SLA

For MSPs, setting realistic expectations and educating customers is critical before finalizing a backup and disaster recovery (BDR) contract and service level agreement (SLA).

Watch Your Backup, Literally

Datto: Largest Technology Innovation in Business Continuity in Years Delivered by Datto this Month. Backup Insights is a Feature Solution Providers Can’t Live Without.

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