

Job Title: Guest blogs such as this one are published monthly and are part of MSPmentor's annual platinum sponsorship.

Datto Guest Blog 2

Recent articles by Datto Guest Blog 2

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Datto Conference: You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

The Datto team experienced déjà vu this month, remembering the famous scene in Jaws when Roy Scheider declared the need for a bigger boat. Not because Datto felt threatened by a motorized Great White (thank goodness) but because we simply needed more room for all the attendees at the annual conference!

Building Trust: The Essential Component of any Business Relationship

In any business relationship, particularly in the BDR and business continuity space, trust is the most critical component. When the goal of your product and solution is to save the files and systems of someone’s business and livelihood, part of the message is Trust.

What Can You Learn from Wikipedia?

Many of us check Wikipedia from time to time for quick information. But for the rock solid intelligence that you need to run your business, industry conferences are invaluable. Datto is holding its first, and there’s a discount available for MSPmentor readers. Check out the details here.

There’s No Place for File in BDR

The image-based backup vs. file-based backup debate is over, as far as effective backup and disaster recovery is concerned. The clear winner is image, and here are five reasons why.

Make Perception Match Reality In Sales and Marketing Claims

In Sales and Marketing the term “perception vs. reality” is thrown around as quickly as a hot potato. The challenge to be successful, however, is to make sure that these two are not mutually exclusive. When you deliver both, you’re delivering the best option for your partners and customers. When the two come together, it’s a powerful thing.

Marketing to SMBs? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

Even if you run and manage a MSP by yourself or with just a small team, there are still many ways you can market your company’s services with a small amount of time and money. Here are three that don’t take much time and can help you mark your company’s services for very little cost.

Where Do MSPs Come From?

An MSP provides server, network and specialized applications to end users and organizations. And as you know, a key advantage of offering services is the ability to set up a recurring revenue model with clients.

How Do You Choose? Finding the Right BDR Solution

Once the decision has been made to include a backup, disaster recovery (BDR) and intelligent business continuity solution in your portfolio, how do you choose the vendor that best meets your needs? The first qualifier should be based on the vendor’s dedication to the c

MSP Revenue Stream: Trust

Recurring revenue is the model preferred by most managed service providers (MSPs).  However, how do you best grow the business you already have?  It’s great to have the recurring re

Tornadoes, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Oh My!

Though many tornadoes have already occurred this year, March is the official start of tornado season. Which brings to mind two popular films—the iconic “Wizard of Oz” (1939) and the more recent “Twister” (1996).

Four Reasons Why the IT Channel Rocks

We can all learn something from each other. Everybody has something to teach. And chances are that we each have something new we can learn. That's not just true with individuals. It's also true with businesses. And it's also true with whole industries.

3 Keys to Customer Retention

Many people may think offering discounts, free services or other monetary incentives will keep their customers happy. The truth is that it takes a who

Pick Up The Phone

Riddle me this: What is the 100+ year-old invention that sits on your desk, that you are probably not using enough? You’ve probably guessed from the title of this

Pay Your Employees with Pizza

Employee satisfaction is not always easy to gauge. One of the toughest jobs IT management faces today is the issue of how to hire the right talent at the right price, and ho

Portal Power

The technology world tends to move at a lightning fast pace. Companies, products and services are constantly evolving and shifting

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